MG Eldon Bargewell Memorial Park
Thank you for your support in creating MG Eldon A Bargewell Delta Park! The park will be dedicated to all who have served on Saturday May 20, 2023, Armed Forces Day. We will have a social gathering Friday evening May 19th for family, close friends, and veterans. On Saturday May 20th there will be a reception for all donors following the park dedication.
With your invitation, you should have received a dog tag. You will receive the second dog tag at either the Friday social gathering or the Saturday reception. If you are unable to attend, we will mail the second tag to you.
Please fill out the form below to send us your RSVP as soon as possible! Thank you!
Delta Park Events RSVP
Please donate by mailing your check to:
Grays Harbor Community Foundation
c/o MG Eldon Bargewell Memorial
707 J Street
Hoquiam, WA 98550
Or online at:
Select "Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund" in the Donations Options box.
Delta Park
© 2023 MG Eldon Bargewell Foundation