MG Eldon Bargewell Delta Park

Veteran Honerees

Delta Park Plaques

Honor a Veteran on a Park Plaque

There will be a total of six plaques placed in Delta Park to honor those who have served. If you would like to honor a veteran, please send their name, branch of service, and rank. A minimum donation of $75 is suggested to help cover the cost of creating and placing the plaques.

Plaque 1 and Plaque 2 have been completed and Plaque 3 is currently being filled.  Plaque installation at Delta Park will take place this Spring/Summer when the weather is warmer and drier. Once six plaques are completed, additional honorees will be recognized virtually on our website.
Veteran Honorees - Plate 1
Veterans Plaque 1
Veteran Honorees - Plate 3

Veterans Plaque 3

Veteran Honorees - Plate 2
Veterans Plaque 2
Delta Park Monument Sign

Please donate by mailing your check to:

Grays Harbor Community Foundation
c/o MG Eldon Bargewell Memorial
707 J Street
Hoquiam, WA 98550

Or online at:

Select "Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund" in the Donations Options box.

8 + 3 =


Delta Park


© 2023 MG Eldon Bargewell Foundation