MG Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund

Help Maintain

Delta Park Monument Sign

Over 400 donors have contributed $378,008 to date

List of Donors

Aberdeen 40 Et 8 Veteran’s Club
Aberdeen Lions Club
Kim A. Aiken
Steve and Shirley Aiken
Air Commando Association, USAF
John Aliveto
Gregory Alwood
John and Pat Ancich
Steve and Theresa Ancich
Terri Anderson
Mack and Julianne Armstrong
Fred Arooji
Pete Arsenault
Leland Arthaud, VN vet USA
Patricia and Stephen Arthaud, vet USN
Michael Ash
Karolyn Backholm
Chris and James Backlund, VN vet USN
Jane (Quigg) Baker
Andrea Ballard
Brant Bargewell, USA ret
COL (ret) Janet L Bargewell, USA
Marian Bargewell
CW5 (ret) Robert N Bargewell, USA
Mike and Karen Barkstrom, vet USASF
Donald and Cheryl Barton, vet USMCR
Kristen Barton
Darlene Beardslee
Berglund Schmidt & Associates Inc
Darell and Jill Bellis In honor of Mike McMeekin VN Vet USMC Force Recon
Michael E Bickford, USN ret
Charles Blackmon, Jr.
John and Janet Bohrnsen
Molly Bold In honor of John Curry, Class of ‘65, VN vet, USN
Les Bonfield
Jim and Janet Boora In honor of Edwin T. Gibson, WWII vet In honor of James A. Boora WA NG 1971-80 vet
MG (ret) and Mrs Kenneth R Bowra, USA
James Bray
Michael Breasseale
Dale Brown
Kenn Brown
Jake and Pat Bujacich
Denise Burke
Jim Byars
Byron Brothers Inc.
Byron Engineering PLLC In honor of 1LT James R. McQuade, USA KIA June 11, 1972 Vietnam
Byron Tech LLC
Jacqueline and Kathleen Byron In honor of James A. Backlund, VN vet USN In honor of Patrick J. Byron, vet USN In honor of Jarrod M. Byron, vet USA
Pat and Janet Byron
Tom Caldwell
John and Normandie Callahan, VN vet USA
LTG (ret.) Michael Canavan USA
Peter Carey
Dan Carkonen vet USAF
Harold Carter
Steven Cashen
Greg and Joan Cearley
Bruce Christensen
Nikki Christensen
Jeffrey Chur
COL Randy Cochran, USA
Chuck Colbourne
Bonnie Cooper
Robert Cournoyer
Ian Crawford
Daniel and Terri Crites
Bill and Marcia Cronin
George and Kristine Cross
John Csernotta
Joyce Cunning and Lee Harrison
John Cupp Sr.
Patrick Curry
James Danielik
Loretta Danielik
Dennis and Vicki Daniels, vet USAR
Pedro dela Mar
David Mitchell Design
COL (ret) Bill and Susan Davis, USA
Dean Backholm Landscape Design, Inc.
Louis Deseta
Dan and Kathy Descher
Councilman Alvin Dick City of Hoquiam
Robert Dimond
Thomas DiTomasso
George and Suzanne Donovan
Michael Dougherty
Sandra Douglass
Bob Droll, RWD Landscape Architects
Robert and Deborah Drugge
Duffy’s Restaurant In honor of Sgt. Wayne Bissell Crew 9, Doolittle Raiders Tokyo-April 18, 1942 In honor of John Chemeres, USA KIA Nov. 29, 1944 Battle of the Bulge In honor of William R. Dalrymple, USMC KIA, Vietnam In honor of Timothy Davis, USAF KIA Feb. 20, 2009 Bagram Afghanistan In honor of John Druzianich, USMC KIA March 2, 1951 Korea In honor of James Evans, USMC Korea Chosin Reservoir 1951 In honor of Jerome Knutson, USMCR KIA April 21, 1951 Korea In honor of Jim Middleton, USMC In honor of Mike Thompson, USA KIA Feb. 21, 1967 Vietnam In honor of The Boys of Co. “B” USMCR Korean War
Jack Durney
Bob Dyer
Kristi and Daniel Earley
EdwardJones James and Christina Boora Michael and Heather Bozich Garett and Shayne Folkers Josh and Janis Steele
John and Nancy Eklund
Joy and Peter Elsos, VN vet USA
Buoy and Patty Elway
Stuart and Irene Elway
Nicholas Endo
Patty Edenstrom
John and Julie Estes In honor of Scott Harrison USN CPO Iraq ret In honor of John Estes USN VN vet In honor of Jimmie Estes USN WWII vet In honor of Alice Estes USN WWII vet In honor of James D. Boora USA WWII vet In honor of James A. Boora WA NG 1971-80 vet
Events on Emerson
Walt Failor
Marlene Farnsworth
James Flynn Jr.
Paul Flynn
Madalyn Ford
Steven G and Carol Ford, VN vet USA
Steven D and Mary Ford, USN ret
John Forsberg
Thomas Foster
Charles and Robin Franks
Jay Fredericksen
Jason and Karin Fry, vet NG WA In honor of Jim Bags Bagley Class of 66 VN vet USA In honor of S. Wayne Fry WWII CV19 USN In honor of Emery Flohr WWII 2nd Armored USA In honor of Jack Carson WWII DD554 USN In honor of Roscoe Fry WWI USAEF
Fry Management Services
Don Frye
Len Fullenkamp

Lawrence Gabriel
MG (ret) William Garrison, USA
CSM (ret) Roger L George, USA
Bryan Goddard
Doug Godshall
Phyllis Granahan
Patricia Graves
Grays Harbor Community Foundation
Dan Green
Robert and Karen Greenberg
Craig Griffiths
Charles Guerry
Michael Gwinn
Dan Haggerty
Mary A Halvarson, AHS Class of 54
Cris Harmia
Ronald Harrison
Rich Hartman
Mike and Shari Hatley
Richard and Barbara Hayford
Diane and Dan Henry
Scott Herbert
History of MACV-SOG, Bruce Christensen
Hometown Sanitation
James Holloway
Kenneth and Suzanne Holmes
Terry Hopsecger
Hoquiam High School Class of 1960
Hoquiam High School Class of 1966
Hoquiam Lions Club
William and Linda Hoyer
Michael Hubbard
Donald and Janet Hubble
Terry and Patricia Hubble, vet USN
Todd Hubble
John and Patricia Hughes
Martin Hughes
Harlyne Huhta
Clayton Hutmacher
Charles Isaacson
Judy and Richard Isaacson
Peter Isaacson
Steven Isaacson
Tom and Linda Isaacson
Wade Ishimoto
James Jackson
James Jarrard
Warner Johannes, vet WA NG
David Johnson
Gary and Joyce Johnson
Marlene Johnson
Ronnie Johnson
Michael Johnston
Joint Service Special OPS, Fund, Inc.
Carole Jordan
Kelvin Kai
FH Kearney
James and Louise Kelliher
Henry Kinnison
Fred Kleibacker
Susan and Robert Knudson
Glenn Koski
John Koski
Janice and Edward Kosnoski
Darin Krueger
Linda and Lyle Kuhn
Kevin Lachiondo, vet USA
Chris Ladra
Jim LaForest
Sheila LaForest
Tom La Forest
Susan Laing
Lakeside Industries
Paula Lang
Ralph Larson
Susan Larson In honor of her brother the ‘Old Soldier’ Norm Sermonti in honor of Harold Terwilliger US Army, 1940-1945, WW2 Alaska and Saipan
Kevin Leppla
William Leszczynski
Lavern and Ruth Libby
Edward Carleton Logue
Barrett Lowe, USA
Elizabeth Lucas
Mike and Kathy Lytle
Paul and JoAnn Macan
Thomas MacHamer
Machine and Hydraulics
LTG (ret) and Mrs. Lawson W Magruder III, USA
Linda Hagen Manchester
Daniel Martin
Michael Martin C Co. 1/75 USA
Alfred Martinez
Gary Massoth
David Maurer
Kim Maxin, vet USA
John McArdle
Ryan J. McCombie
Elaine McCracken
Terry McKay, vet USA
Councilman Paul and Cynthia McMillan City of Hoquiam
Steven McMillan
Kenneth McNulty
Karen Meier
Daniel Meldrich
Steven and Linda Merrill
Sharon (Ask) Merta
Bud and Janet Meservey
Vernon Messer
Anna and John S. “Tilt” Meyer USA Special Forces vet. RT Idaho One-Zero, FOB 1/CCN 68/70
Rick and Ellen Middleton
Andrew Milani
Dee Miller
COL (ret) Logan Mitchell, USAR
Mary Jo and David Mitchell, VN vet USA
Teri Moody
Gregory Moore
David Morris
Larry Morris
Sharon Dixon Morris
Minuteman Press, Chris Olson
Gregory Muiligan
John Mulholland

Network for Good **
Frank Newell
Julie Newell
Cliff Newman
Glen Nickel
Kenneth and Penny Niles
COL (ret) John and Lisa Noe
North Bay Listings
Arlene and William O’Connor
Michael Osterhout
Oszman Service, Inc.
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Puget Sound Don Leland, vet USMC
Ronald Owens
The Pape Group, Inc.
Jon and Kathy Parker
Brett Patron
Jeff Patterson
Robert and Lynn Paylor
Daniel Payton
Chapter T, PEO Sisterhood
John and Patricia Perry
CW4 (ret) Greg Peterson, USA
Wes Peterson
Raymond and Beverly Phillips
Gary Piercey
Anibal Pires
MSG (ret) Mark Popelka USA
Glenn Powell
Steven Powell
Paul Price
Zoltan Prokay
Ray Pumphrey
Donald Purdy
Richard Quichocho
Quick Services LLC
Bill and Carol Quigg
Jim Quigg
John and Gail Quigg
Michael and Mary Ann Quigg
Patrick and Kathleen Quigg
Tim Quigg
Tom Quigg
Brian Quinlan
Mark Ramirez
Marshall Reed
Darby Reid
Hans and Lynette Reime
Mike Ring
Bill Rock
Michael Rocque
Donald and Karin Root
Wayne Ross
Lois Routt, HHS Class of 1965
Bob and Patty Ruecker
Mike and Cynthia Sand
John and Barbara Sanders
Gregory Satlow VN vet USN
Carlton G. Savory
Timothy Schaaf
Douglas Schermer
GEN (ret) Peter and Cindy Schoomaker USA
Edward Schroeder
Manager Brian Shay City of Hoquiam
Paul Shay
James Shelton
Stephen and Clarisse Shope
John W Shull Jr.
Sierra Pacific Foundation
Clete and Deborah Sinyard
Dave and Marcia Smith
Gordon Snyder
Jim Solberg
Special Forces Association Chapter 91-101
Special Forces Association Chapter 16
Special Operations Association
Gary Speer
Benjamin and Nancy Spicer
Gary Sporer
Virgil and Darlene Spurlock, vet USA
John Stark
John and Susan Straka
Thomas and Nancy Stevenson
Thomas Stewart
Paul and Mary Stritmatter
Louie-Jean Taylor
Edward Teagle, vet USAF
Steven Tennyson
Teri Thompson
Chad Tilley
Timberland Bank
John Tobin
UK Modern Forces Living Museum Simon Gunning, aka the Preacher Olly de Garston
UPC Parks, Dan Christiansen, vet USA
Steiner and Kathy (Waller) Urdahl
Lee Van Arsdale
SGM (ret) Mike R. Vining, USA & Donna Ikenberry
W. Second Growth Foundation
David Walther
Bill and Jan Warbington, VN vet USA
Dave and Carole Wayman
Douglas Weaver
Jerry Weber, vet USN
Wenatchee Valley VFW
Bill Werther, vet USASF MACV-SOG
Michelle Werther
Mark Wheeler
Rodna and Robert Wheeler
Melvin Wick
William and Carole Wieland
Bruce Williams, vet USMC
David and Melody Williams, vet USMC
Michael Willis
Mayor Ben and Jennifer Winkelman City of Hoquiam
Willis Enterprises
Michael Wisecup
Thomas Woodyard
Chuck Yerry
Jerry York
Kathy (Smith) Zick
** Note: Donations through Facebook are processed through Network for Good and they arrive at the Grays Harbor Community Foundation in lump sums with no reference to individual donors. Since we are not given the names of these donors, they are not included in the donor list. If you have donated through Facebook, please contact us and we will add your name to the list of donors.

For those who have served in the military:  If you served in any branch of the military and would like to be recognized, please contact us and let us know the branch of service and vet. or ret. if desired.

Please donate by mailing your check to:

Grays Harbor Community Foundation
c/o MG Eldon Bargewell Memorial
707 J Street
Hoquiam, WA 98550

Or online at:

Select "Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund" in the Donations Options box.

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Delta Park


© 2023 MG Eldon Bargewell Foundation