MG Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund

100% of donations go to the Delta Park Project and are tax deductible.

Thank you for your support!

Donations can be mailed to:
The Grays Harbor Community Fund
707 J Street
Hoquiam, WA 98550

Make check out to:
GH Community Fund
Memo MG Bargewell Memorial

Or online at: The Grays Harbor Community Foundation

Select “Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund” in the Donations Options box.

Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund Donations

If you are donating in honor of a veteran, please provide the following information:

Name, Branch of Service, and retired status. If the veteran is retired, you have the option of including rank. Other optional information can include Conflict, Honors, MIA or KIA with date.

If donating by mail, please include the veteran’s information with your check. If donating online, please use the Contact form and send us the veteran’s information.

The MG Eldon Bargewell Foundation would like to thank all those who have generously donated!

List of Donors

Donations have been made in honor of these veterans:

List of Honorees

A note from one of our donors…

HHS Class of 1969 Donation Letter

MG Eldon Bargewell Delta Park Challenge Coin

To date we have raised $9000 and have 40 of the 100 coins left. The donations have ranged from $25 to $1000. Most have been in the $100 to $250 range.

Our goal is to raise enough to pay for lawn and grounds maintenance for the year and to improve the parking along Emerson Ave.

Yearly maintenance runs around $6000. The $9000 will fund that and give us a cushion to cover any unexpected costs.

We have received a gift of $10,000 for the parking project and a pledge from a local asphalt company to do the paving. Even with the discount by the contractor that constructed the park, we’re looking at possibly a $50,000+ project. The City is seeking grants to cover part of that cost. Committee members are reaching out to potential large donors, and if we can maintain the current average donation of $175 per coin, hopefully the project can begin next spring.

The coin is 2” in size and we have a number of positive comments on the design. Each coin is numbered 1-100.

Dedication Day Challenge Coin

MG Eldon Bargewell Delta Park Challenge Coin

Please donate by mailing your check to:

Grays Harbor Community Foundation
c/o MG Eldon Bargewell Memorial
707 J Street
Hoquiam, WA 98550

Or online at:

Select "Eldon Bargewell Memorial Fund" in the Donations Options box.

11 + 10 =


Delta Park


© 2023 MG Eldon Bargewell Foundation